Chemical Capsule - Supercap

Epoxy Acrylate
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Typical performance data at standard embedment depth

typical performance data

Typical Curing Time

base meterial tempreature

Variant spin-in two component glass capsule, Material epoxy acrylate

product code



Primarily used where anchor consistency is required and injection resin use would be prohibitive or inconvenient. Due to the viscous nature chemical capsule CCS is not suitable for overhead installations or perforated and hollow substrates

• Rapid cure
• Consistent load behavior
• Suitable for static and dynamic loading
• Fast and simple to install
• Vibrant Resistant
• Imparts no expansion stresses on the base material
• Usable in wet drill holes (requires longer cure time)
• Drill hole cleanliness not as critical as injection systems
• High-performance resin guarantees high loads in the base material
• The resin anchoring is free of expansion forces and permits low axial spacing and edge distances
• Flush finish, no projecting bolt after dismanting the fixture

Super Cap Glass Capsule with Threaded Rod Applications

super cab glass

threaded rod applications

• Drill hole to correct diameter and depth, diamond cored drill holes should be roughened prior to installation
• Clean drill hole thoroughly using wire brush / blow and remove all dust using a blow out pump or airline
• Place the capsule in the drill hole ensuring fitting is below the surface
• Attach the driver to the anchor stud, fit the drill and drive through the capsule until the stud reaches the base of the hole or the depth marker on the stud    is reached
• Detach the drive tool and leave stud undisturbed until cured and then attach fixture and torque to required setting


Advice : Larger anchoring depths are possible with the use of more than one capule


blow out pump bp
The hand operated blow out pump BP is for drill hole cleaning prior to anchor installation.

Variant Hand Operated, Material ABS

Important note
Performance based on clean holes - Hammer drilled - blown and then brushed with a still metal brush & blown Cleaning Brush CB

cleaning brush
Wire brush CB is for thorough cleaning and hole preparation

Variant Hand Operated, Material Steel Body and Head

SDS Plus 12mm Chuck adaptor & Setting Tools

sds plus

chemical capsule supercap